RD InnoTech Limited is not an HKMA licensed entity.  It is a participant of the HKMA’s Stablecoin Issuer Sandbox and is currently conducting testing in the sandbox under a limited scope.

HKDR is a stablecoin 1:1 backed by Hong Kong dollars. ​
Born with the mission to transform the way people and businesses send, spend, and transfer money, HKDR aims to facilitate payments and commerce with trust, stability, and efficiency. 


HKDR is committed to serving as a building block of a regulated Web 3.0 ecosystem. RD Technologies will constantly work with regulatory authorities to ensure full compliance with current and future applicable laws and regulations. 


Backed 1:1 by Hong Kong dollars, with highly-liquid and cash-equivalent assets safekept in segregated account of licensed financial institutions.  The public can view the regular attestation reports for details about the reserves.


Built on a decentralised network of public blockchains that operates with transparency and cost-efficiency. 

Safeguard your business and your wealth with stability and trust​
Save more for business growth
Take your business beyond borders​
Provide stability against market turbulence
Unlock the door to new financial services and new markets​

Safeguard Your Assets and Wealth with Stability

You can store your assets and wealth in HKDR, which is redeemable 1:1 for Hong Kong dollars, to manage the risks of volatility effectively. ​

With Hong Kong being the largest international asset management hub in Asia, the largest cross-border private wealth management and hedge fund centre in Asia, as well as the second largest private equity centre after Mainland China in Asia, storing your assets and wealth in HKDR will give you wider access to a variety of services and products that Hong Kong has to offer. 

Save More for Business Growth

With Hong Kong at the crossroad of international trade and commerce, businesses across the globe can save more by sending and receiving money in HKDR. ​

Built on a decentralised blockchain network that operates anytime and anywhere without the need and cost of intermediaries, HKDR enables faster local and cross-border payments at much lower costs for your cross-border trade, e-commerce business, as well as global payroll management, etc. 

Take Your Business Beyond Borders

With HKDR, you can take the advantages of Hong Kong and Asia being the springboard of your regional and global expansion to the next level.  ​

You can trade in HKDR with any partners and parties across the world without the worries of exchange rates, transaction fees, and long processing time. ​

You can also integrate your business with the Web 3.0 ecosystem seamlessly with HKDR. 

Provide Stability against Market Turbulence

HKDR is 1:1 backed by Hong Kong dollars, providing a trusted and reliable digital dollar of stable value to safeguard and diversify your digital assets. Together with different risk management and diversification products and services made possible by Hong Kong’s vibrant FinTech and Web 3.0 ecosystem, you can navigate market uncertainty and turbulence with HKDR with greater ease.

Unlock the Door to New Financial Services and New Markets

As Hong Kong accelerates its development into a global virtual asset hub through new policies and regulations, HKDR enables faster and more cost-efficient settlement of tokenised assets and allows more Web 3.0 players to participate in the market.



RD InnoTech has reached cooperation intentions with major Web 3.0 and payment players to jointly explore the uses of HKDR in B2B cross-border payments, virtual asset transactions, global payroll, and real-world asset tokenization, etc.​

B2B Cross-Border Payment​

RD InnoTech, the issuer of HKDR, has reached cooperation intentions with different global major cross-border payment service providers on exploring the uses of HKDR in B2B cross-border payments, with the goal of providing faster settlement, higher cost efficiency and expanded customer base for businesses across the globe. ​

Global Payroll Management​

RD InnoTech will be exploring the uses of HKDR with global human resources and employment consultancy firms in global payroll management, with the goal of catering the growing needs for efficient global team and decentralised workforce management. ​

Real World Assets Tokenization ​

RD InnoTech will be exploring with asset management firms and virtual asset exchanges on tokenizing real-world assets using HKDR to bring cost-efficient access to new markets for financial service providers, and to bring easier access to financial services and products for different businesses and customers. ​


Attestation Report (Available Soon)
The public can view the regular attestation report conducted by independent auditor for details about the reserves.

We’d Love to Hear from You!

Look forward to working with you to facilitate payments and commerce for businesses across the globe!

Stay tuned for more updates