Changes to Terms and Conditions

10 May 2024

We hereby inform you of some changes to the terms and conditions for RD Wallet and RD ezLink, respectively. 

RD Wallet
The major changes to the relevant terms and conditions include: (i) clarification on the requirement of customer’s approval for appointment of administrator under Clause 4.4 (Authorisation) of Part 2 (Operation of RD Wallet Accounts and Users) in the Terms and Conditions for RD Wallet; and (ii) addition of the definition of “Application Representative” under Clause 2 of the Schedule (Interpretation and Definitions) in the Terms and Conditions for RD Wallet and Clause 1.1 in the User Terms and Conditions for  RD Wallet.

RD ezLink
The major changes to the relevant terms and conditions include clarification on the mechanism for appointment and removal of Application Representatives and Profile Controllers under Clause 2.2  (Appointment and Removal of Application Representatives and Profile Controllers) of Part 2 (Application Representatives and Profile Controllers) of the RD ezLink Terms and Conditions for Business Users.


These changes to the terms and conditions will take effect from 15 May 2024 (the “Effective Date”). You can find the relevant updated terms and conditions in the RD App at About Us > RD Wallet Terms and Conditions and RD ezLink Terms and Conditions. If you decline to accept these changes, you have the right to terminate our services before the Effective Date.